Don Draper Drinking At WorkThe acclaimed television show Mad Men has become iconic over the several years.  The few times that I have actually watched the show, I was amazed (possibly enamoured) by the way the male characters on the show went through their day to day lives.  The show’s “in office” scenes shows the “mad men” constantly smoking and drinking, all the while succeeding in the cut throat world of advertising.

Having visited the corporate offices of RJ Reynold’s Tobacco as recently as the early 2000’s and seeing both office and common areas filled with smoke (due to most employees enjoying a smoke while working), I can say that I have never once imagined our society returning to those “glory days”.  Having said that, all of the Mad Men guys sure do look pretty awesome partaking of their various liquor drinks.

Could it be that drinking on the job might actually improve employee performance?  I mean, why else would the best Ad Man in the business (Don Draper) be doing it unless it gave him a leg up?  It appears that someone actually decided to do a study on this particular topic.

As someone who is tasked with providing insurance and risk managment to NC Businesses…I cannot condone such activity, but it does make you think!

About The Author:  Jack Wingate is a Professional Insurance Advisor and Founder of ALLCHOICE Insurance in Greensboro, NC.  For more information about Jack Wingate, ALLCHOICE Insurance, or North Carolina Homeowners Insurance please visit
